Jacky's Resource List
Please explore the tabs and links below for different kinds of supports, services, and resources available to you. You can always reach out to me via MIO as well if you'd like me to direct you toward the best resources for you!
I am a strong believer in social justice and accessibility for all. I want to support all my students in feeling they belong in my class. I am not perfect, of course, and I may miss some things.
I am still learning. If there is something I can do better to support your learning and make things more accessible for you, please do not be afraid to let me know. I will not ask you to do all the emotional labour of educating me, but if you give me a lead to follow, I will do my best.
If I say something that is problematic, I am open to being called in. Again, if you want to point it out without going into the emotional labour of educating me, I will gladly do my own research once you have alerted me to the problem.

Access for disabled students*

  • If you have a disability, there are some supports for you in the college.
  • Unless things have changed, one needs an official diagnosis with paperwork to obtain these services.
  • For my part, if you tell me you need support, I will do my best to provide it regardless of whether you have a diagnosis.
  • I am still learning about how to ensure that course materials are as accessible as possible. If I forget something, I promise not to be upset if you write to me to clarify a need or to point out how something is inaccessible to you.
  • If you are registered with the ACCESS team, I am open to working with you and whoever you are working with at the centre.
  • I am autistic but that does not mean I will automatically know what you may need if you are also autistic.
*A note on the use of "disabled" versus “with disabilities”:

I follow the social model of disabilities. This means that the society we live in is what disables people. If our society and our institutions were structured differently, then many more people would have full access and would not be disabled. Also, it’s important to remember that accessibility is not just about ramps into buildings. These are very important and we don’t have nearly enough! But not all disabilities are visible.

I respect other people’s choice of terminology for themselves.

Some accessibility tools

  • I have enabled automatic closed-captioning on Zoom. You should be able to turn it on by clicking on the CC button at the bottom of the screen.
  • Any videos I record and post to You Tube have automatic closed-captioning enabled. Just click on the CC button to turn them on.
  • I try to remember to post all documents in PDF so that they can be opened on any device with the same format I used.
  • I use a font size of at least 24 on PowerPoint slides.
  • I use a high contrast between writing and background on PowerPoint slides.
  • I avoid distracting images on PowerPoint slides.
  • I try to remember to put alt text for images.
  • I allow the use of personal tech tools in the class since many students use them for note-taking or for stress relief.
  • I have what I think is an accessible late policy (Extension requests with no questions asked up to 24 hours before work is due, otherwise only 2% per late day up to 7 days late).
  • I give advance notice before group work when the work must be done in groups.
  • Much of the time, I give options to students for individual or group work.
  • There is a lot more I could be doing - I'm still learning!

Financial access

Cégep isn't really free! There may not be tuition, but there are registration fees, expenses for books, travel (gas or public transit), tech upgrades (especially during Covid times).

If you have very little disposable income, and you are self-supporting or helping support your family, it’s hard to keep up! Please check out these programs if you are in financial difficulty!

Dealing with Discrimination

Many of you deal with different kinds of discrimination based on race, physical or mental ability, gender, sexual orientation, language, age, migrant status, and all kinds of other things.

There are some resources at Vanier for those who want support!
Feel free to approach me if you would like recommendations for specific resources, or help with accessing them.
I am a flawed human being, like all others, and may say problematic things without even realizing it. I am always open to having difficult discussions with students I may hurt in the process. If you feel I have said something that is hurtful to you or may be hurtful to another person or group, please contact me. I promise to listen with an open heart and work hard to mitigate any harm I may have caused.